For most, summer months are often filled with pool parties, ice cream runs, and sandals. In the agricultural community though, more often times than not summer months are filled with livestock shows...
Job Title: Compliance Specialist Location: Roanoke Branch Tenure: 2 years What is your favorite book or author? I really enjoy the Harry Potter series. I have read the books and watched the movies an...
Job Title: Business Service Specialist Location: Culpeper Branch Tenure: 6 months What is your favorite season? Fall is my favorite season because of the perfect weather, pumpkins, bonfires and my...
Prequalification letters can be a valuable tool during the home-buying process. Learn about prequalification letters, their importance, where to obtain one, the process and documentation you may be...
Job Title: Senior Loan Officer Location: Moorefield Branch/Romney Branch Tenure: 19 years Briefly describe your involvement in FFA. I started out as an FFA member in the eighth grade. I was fortunate...
Job Title: Regional Sales and Lending Manager Location: Abingdon Branch Tenure: 10 years Briefly describe your involvement in agriculture. I grew up as the fifth generation on our family’s beef cattle...
Job Title: Regional Sales & Lending Manager (Agribusiness Unit) Location: Harrisonburg Branch Tenure: 7 years Briefly describe your involvement in 4-H. I was involved in the Clover Hill 4-H Club from...
Location: Wytheville branch Job Title: Business Service Specialist Tenure: 2 years Were you involved in FFA? If so, describe your participation. I participated in FFA in high school and was the Vice...
Location: Verona Operations Center Job Title: Loan Processor Tenure: 3 years What is your favorite song or artist? I am Taylor Swift’s #1 fan! What is your favorite food? I could eat Mexican food...
Are you looking for a complete set of animal by-products lessons? We have just what you need! We recently renovated one of our most popular resources, “Everything But the….” This series highlights...
If a student were asked to name three by-products from sheep, the answer would probably be something like this: "Wool, lamb chops and leg of lamb" And that answer would be completely right; but it is...
Learn more about the by-products from goats! Which of the following do you think are by-products from goats? Sausage casing Cheese Soap Fish pond fertilizer Book bindings Did you say cheese and soap...
When most people think of by-products from poultry they most likely automatically think of eggs. Would you believe us if we told you there are even more? Not to mention some of those by-products...
Steaks, hamburgers and pot roast...when most students start thinking about by-products from cattle, these probably come to mind fairly easily. It’s probably fairly safe to say that most would also...
Yumm........Bacon! This is probably one of the first things that come to mind when people begin thinking about what comes from a pig - but the reality of it is that pigs are incredibly versatile...