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Blog Listing

Self-Care & Wellness for Farmers

Mental Health in our Rural and Farming Communities

Mental health is a real issue for families across the United States, including families living in rural communities across the Northeast Region. Mental health issues bring unique challenges to...
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Thomas, Jessica headshot

Employee Spotlights

Employee Spotlight: Jessica Thomas

Job Title: Operations Support Location: Verona Operations Center Tenure: 4.5 years Briefly describe your involvement in 4-H. I grew up actively involved in 4-H. I showed livestock at the county fair...
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Kelly Irvine headshot

Employee Spotlights

Employee Spotlight: Kelly Irvine

Job Title: Project Management Coordinator Location: Bridgeport Branch Tenure: 6 months Briefly describe your involvement in 4-H. Growing up in a 4-H family, I became a member when I was 9 years old. I...
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Financial Literacy

Young, Beginning, Small & Veteran Farmers

10 Grant Writing Tips for a Strong Application

There are tons of grant opportunities out there for non-profit organizations and small businesses, but many people view the grant application process as a daunting task. It doesn’t have to be! Here...
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Financial Literacy

Milk Pricing– The Great Unknown

Several years ago, I worked with my milk coop to forward contract some milk. I called the coop milk pricing, a forward contracting expert, to explain the numbers. The comment I got was, “It’s a long...
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Owens professional headshot

Employee Spotlights

Employee Spotlight: Katie Owens

Job Title: Business Service Specialist Location: Abingdon Branch Tenure: 1.5 years Tell us about your family. My husband and I have been married for five years, and we have two boys, Cash and Tatum...
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Lisa Phipps headshot

Employee Spotlights

Employee Spotlight: Lisa Phipps

Job Title: Sr. Business Service Specialist Location: Chatham Branch Tenure: 20 years Briefly describe your involvement in 4-H. I always enjoyed being part of the livestock show through 4-H. Briefly...
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Adams headshot

Employee Spotlights

Employee Spotlight: Steven Adams

Job Title: Business Service Specialist Location: Roanoke Branch Tenure: 3 years Briefly describe your involvement in 4-H. I participated in 4-H when I was growing up. It taught me a lot of valuable...
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Farm Management Resources

Crop Insurance Overview

Crop insurance is a tool farmers can use to mitigate risk. Farmers have noted crop insurance as their most important agriculture risk management tool. A licensed agent can provide additional...
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Employee headshot image

Employee Spotlights

Employee Spotlight: Rebecca Frantz

Job Title: Loan Officer Location: Oakland Branch Tenure: 7 years Briefly describe your involvement in 4-H. I was in 4-H throughout my childhood. I served in a variety of leadership roles while I was a...
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Farm Credit Knowledge Center Image


The Farm Credit Knowledge Center: Celebrating 10 Years

A decade ago, Farm Credit of the Virginias (FCV) began the journey to fill a need within our footprint: education and connection for those involved in or interested in agriculture. The Farm Credit...
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Educator Resources

Annuals, Perennials, and Biennials and How to use them in the Garden

Many New Year's resolutions involve turning our thumbs a deeper shade of green and growing more of our own food. But if you’ve already dug into the newly arrived seed catalogs, you may have found a...
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High Mountain Timber

Customer Feature Stories

From the Ground Up: Matt Hall and Chris Ziems of High Mountain Timber

In the heart of the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia, Matt Hall and Chris Ziems have built a timber empire. The pair met while working together at Coastal Lumber Company in the 1990s and in 2002...
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Crider loan officer headshot

Employee Spotlights

Employee Spotlight: Autumn Crider

Job Title: Senior Loan Officer Location: Warrenton Branch Tenure: 19 years Briefly describe your involvement in agriculture. My husband and I raise beef cattle, both commercial and registered stock...
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Employee Spotlights

Employee Spotlight: Melissa Driver

Job Title: Corporate Secretary Location: Verona Operations Center Tenure: 39 years Briefly describe your involvement in agriculture. I grew up on a farm. We raised beef cattle, hogs, corn and hay...
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