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The 2024 Annual Meeting Information Statement is now available. Access information regarding the upcoming annual meeting HERE.

Young, Beginning, Small & Veteran Farmers

Young, Beginning, Small & Veteran Farmers

Introducing Our 2019-2020 Ag Biz Planner Class

It is Fall and while to some that means excitement surrounding pumpkin spice and apple cider in the Knowledge Center we are ecstatic to welcome our 13 participants, representing eight businesses and operations into the 2019-2020 Ag Biz Planner Program!
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Young, Beginning, Small & Veteran Farmers

Life Lessons in the Barn

The State Fair of Virginia wrapped up this past weekend, and with it, things will begin to slow down for many families that participate in livestock shows (there are still a few shows coming up, but...
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Young, Beginning, Small & Veteran Farmers

4-H, FFA and Summer "Break"?

So…while the end is approaching, it is still summer vacation for kids, which means lazy days, relaxing, spending time with friends, etc. right? Well…probably not if you are a 4-H or FFA member. For...
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Young, Beginning, Small & Veteran Farmers

Top 10 Reasons Agriculture is Good for Youth

It’s National FFA Week… which is kind of a big deal, at least for us! FFA has played a huge role for several of our Knowledge Center team members, and is a long-standing organization that has incredibly deep ties to agriculture.
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Young, Beginning, Small & Veteran Farmers

Congratulations, Graduates!

Countless hours. Dozens of pages and multiple versions of a business plan. 10 Modules. 5 Months. 2 days. 1 major accomplishment. These sum up the activities of our most recent Ag Biz Planner Program graduates.
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