Employee Spotlight: Lisa Phipps

Employee Spotlights
Job Title: Sr. Business Service Specialist
Location: Chatham Branch
Tenure: 20 years
Briefly describe your involvement in 4-H. I always enjoyed being part of the livestock show through 4-H.
Briefly describe your involvement in agriculture. I grew up on a farm where we raised cattle and had a big garden full of fresh vegetables.
What is the best piece of advice you received growing up? The best advice I received growing up was, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Also, "speak with kindness, as you never know whose plate is full."
Tell us about your favorite/best pet you've ever had. Jesse was my rescue baby. I just knew it was love at first sight.
What is your favorite personal mantra or motto? Family is everything to me. Work together and always be there for one another.
What is your favorite movie? My favorite movie is Lonesome Dove.
What is your favorite season? My favorite season is spring.
What is your dream vacation destination? I would love to go to Australia sometime.
What is your favorite place you've ever visited? Montana is my favorite place I’ve ever visited.
What's your go-to productivity tip or trick? My go-to productivity tip is to always stay organized.
What advice would you give a job seeker who is considering a job at FCV? FCV is a great place to work. The challenge of learning new things here is great and there are plenty of training opportunities for each position.
What are your favorite weekend activities? I enjoy spending time with my family on the weekends.
What is one piece of advice you'd like to share? Never give up. Put your best foot forward and God will lead you.